Who We Are

Goals and Values

We identify ourselves as cypherpunks and libertarians. We believe that this world would be better with more freedom, thus justice, free speech, and privacy. We build to create more freedom.

We believe that coordinating for the public interest is the biggest obstacle to a better world. And since curation is the key element in every decision-making process, we especially have faith in decentralized curation as a solution to many problems in today's world. For this reason, we strive to build sustainable and censorship-resistant decentralized curation projects to make accurate and relevant information easy-to-access.

We are an organization that develops decentralized curation solutions as public goods. We are building the next cool thing. Prove us wrong.


Ferit's photo


Founder — Software Engineer

Münevver's photo


Product Designer

Ifeoluwa's photo


Community Manager and Marketer

Stanislav's photo


Software Engineer